Thursday, November 25, 2010


We've changed the blog visual elements, because we've changed the nature of the blog. Recent posts have featured excerpts from news publications illuminated by offensive selections from classic underground comix and nihilistic music from Akron, OH. The objective was to put a humorous perspective on the moronic times in which we live. It's not funny anymore. America is scaring me.

This blog will henceforth feature a biweekly podcast. We will use traditional music as a jumping-off point, and travel to the outer borders of of artistic comprehensibility.

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Which side CAN you be on?

from a Washington Post blog:

Animal rights activists are up in arms over Palin's treatment of a halibut in the latest episode.

In Defense of Animals has called the footage of Palin clubbing a halibut to death a "snuff film."

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Television and the Internet Save Democracy and Stuff

actual exchange on a Washington Post blog comment board concerning DWTS:

I can't understand how Bristol is an example of any child that parents want their teens to listen to. She got knocked up out of wedlock (great parenting Sarah and Todd) and got caught attacking teens on Facebook using vile profanity and homophobic slurs.

Yes, great example you are Bristol. NOT!!!!

I wouldn't put anything past the teabaggers in getting what they want, including voter fraud and using guns to intimidate. This is what our country has come to with the teabaggers and the spineless, greedy, unAmerican Republicans.

Posted by: denise4925 | November 19, 2010 3:33 PM |

I literally hate Sarah Palin.

Posted by: denise4925 | November 19, 2010 3:27 PM |

Denise, you are one retarded c*nt. Too bad your loser party can't win anything unless the conservative base decides it's time ti hit the 'reset' button.

You should be subjected to only the most sever Shariah punishments for taking time out of your day to publicly spew your hatred for someone that you're clearly jealous of.

You too can suck my balls biotch.

Posted by: Personal_Fowl | November 19, 2010 3:41 PM | Report abuse

Friday, November 19, 2010

Post-partisan, Post-racial, Post-cereal

from Bob Herbert's editorial, NYT today

However you want to define the American dream, there is not much of it that’s left anymore. We’re in denial about the extent of the rot in the system, and the effort that would be required to turn things around. The human suffering in the years required to recover from the recession will continue to be immense. And that suffering will only be made worse if the nation embarks on a misguided crash program of deficit reduction that in the short term will undermine any recovery, and in the long term will make true deficit reduction that much harder to achieve.

We have neither the will nor the common sense to either raise taxes to pay for the wars, or stop fighting them. We’ve become a hapless, can’t-do society, and it’s, frankly, embarrassing. Public figures talk endlessly about “transformative changes” in public education, but the years go by and we see no such thing. Politicians across the spectrum insist that they are all about job creation while the employment situation in the real world remains beyond pathetic.

All we are good at is bulldozing money to the very wealthy. No wonder the country is in such a deep slide.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Devil is Real

I will admit this is a cheap shot, but this appeared in the NYT today:

There are only a handful of priests in the country trained as exorcists, but they say they are overwhelmed with requests from people who fear they are possessed by the Devil.

Now, American bishops are holding a conference on Friday and Saturday to prepare more priests and bishops to respond to the demand. The purpose is not necessarily to revive the practice, the organizers say, but to help Catholic clergy members learn how to distinguish who really needs an exorcism from who really needs a psychiatrist, or perhaps some pastoral care.

“Not everyone who thinks they need an exorcism actually does need one,” said Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki of Springfield, Ill., who organized the conference. “It’s only used in those cases where the Devil is involved in an extraordinary sort of way in terms of actually being in possession of the person.

“But it’s rare, it’s extraordinary, so the use of exorcism is also rare and extraordinary,” he said. “But we have to be prepared.”

“It’s a strategy for saying: ‘We are not the Federal Reserve, and we are not the World Council of Churches. We deal with angels and demons.’ ”

With so few priests who perform exorcisms, and the stigma around it, exorcists are not eager to be identified. Efforts to interview them on Friday were unsuccessful.

A person who claims to be possessed must be evaluated by doctors to rule out a mental or physical illness, according to Vatican guidelines issued in 1999, which superseded the previous guidelines, issued in 1614.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The day after the election

Logo, The Warren Group, political advisors to unsuccessful South Carolina Democratic senatorial candidate Alvin Greene:

"Turn to the Left and Laugh/Turn to the Right and Laugh"
The Warren Group and its network of professional comedians will help politicians make their point with humor.

NYT, yesterday:

“Tonight there’s a Tea Party tidal wave, and we’re sending a message to them,” Mr. Paul said, facing a cheering throng in Bowling Green, Ky. To many in the movement, the singular goal now is to stop an expanding government in its tracks, to “hold the line at all hazards,” as Jennifer Stefano, a Tea Party leader in Pennsylvania, put it.

The movement is animated by a belief that the entire political system has become disconnected from the practical needs and values of Americans, suggesting that its voting power stemmed as much from a populist sense of outrage in a tough economic moment as it did from ideology. What many of its adherents want as much as anything is for the two parties to come together to solve problems.

That sometimes conflicting mandate was neatly captured by two interviews in Searchlight, Nev., hometown of Harry Reid, who as the leader of the Senate Democratic majority became the Tea Party’s biggest target. “I want to see gridlock,” said Ronald Hanvey, who supported Sharron Angle Mr. Reid’s opponent. “I don’t want to see any more laws.” A few months earlier on nearly the same spot, Jeff Church, arriving at a Tea Party rally against Mr. Reid, complained equally about the state’s Republican senator, John Ensign, and yearned for bipartisanship. “Why can’t they get along and make some common-sense solutions?” Mr. Church asked.


Every thirty years or so, a significant portion of the American public becomes unhinged. The clinical term is "goes batshit". Another description for this phenomenon was voiced by my Grandma Ida; the literal translation from Yiddish is better than a literary translation. It goes: When the putz stands up, the brains go into the dirt.

The circumstances that bring about a parade of batshit amerikans led by Richard Crainium (a meme devised by a lifelong friend ten years before the concept was re-discovered and popularized by Dawkins) are varied.

Below is an amerikan periodic table of batshitocratic sociopolitical effluvia:

1860s Civil War
1890s Gilded Age
1920s 1st Red Scare (Palmer)
1950s 2nd Red Scare (HUAC, McCarthy)
1980s Reganism
2010s Tea Party

My family has a bad habit of getting caught in the gears of these upheavals.

Grandpa Harry was beaten up in 1919 by a group of Palmer's Raiders while he chaired a meeting of the Benevolent Association of Laundrymen of Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Manhattan. The Feds thought the Laundrymen were a front for the Union of Russian Workers. Indeed, they were a front, but Grandpa Harry was aligned with Meyer Lansky. The word on the street was not to whack a federal employee. Grandpa Harry must've been pissed.

My father worked at the National Bureau of Standards (now NIST) in the early 1950s. He was hauled, along with NBS Director Edward Condon, in front of HUAC, declared a Communist and security risk, and shown the door. Although my father was a Stalinist, he was relatively harmless. Much to my surprise, I recently found a picture of him in the wartime Met Lab Graphite Research Group. He worked on the Manhattan Project. He's in the first row, far right (not left).

I emerged from the Precambrian ooze of graduate school into civilized society in the early 1980s. I became associated with a subculture so far below the radar, the reference point used to explain it to civilians goes back to early 18th century Appalachia. I'm flailing away on the banjo-uke in the Ghost World. I may be able to avoid the current Tourette-like spasm.