Thursday, April 14, 2011

Visiting Pastor Baboon, Which side should I be on?

This is a comment and response from a NYT discussion of recent deficit reduction machinations. I believe it may be used by historians and sociologists as primary source material to illustrate nearly 60 years of societal dysfunction. Sort of like the way paleontologists use fossilized dinosaur shit.
It's time for the Baby Boomers to take to the streets again. Our new motto should be "Never Trust Anyone Under 55." The focus of our demonstrations has shifted from Southeast Asia ( where our jobs have been outsourced by the Robber Barons) to every state capital in Middle America where meanspirited miserly Republican governors are determined to neuter the civil service and reduce what's left of the Middle Class to groveling servititude. We Baby Boomers are going to stick it to the Man again, just like the good old days.Only this time around we're goingto circle the wagons to defend our Social Security benefits, including Medicaid and Medicare.

Peace folks! *********

Thanks, but I think the less baby boomers we have the better. These problems began on YOUR watch, as you sat idly by through decades of Republican tax cuts and military expansion. Wish you'd saved a little more along the way while you were at it. Moreover, Boomers are proving to be the most selfish lot, and therefore the least likely to be able to forge a solution for the common good. You basically demonstrate this in your comment, which focuses on YOUR social security and medicare.

Feel free to march in the streets if it will keep you busy, but the "untrustworthy" under 55 (I guess that makes about 95% of senators trustworthy?!) would rather you spent some more time saving so we don't have to support you for the next 70 years as you do everything possible under the sun to extend your life in retirement.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Assistant Provost Baboon, I Need at least a C-minus...

This comment was posted at the NYT as part of a discussion of college costs, student loans, and the worth of a college education. I wonder if he's serious...

It's the same as healthcare or insurance - "free" money increases the price. Few can afford a 2k a night hospital bed or 50k a year college - without loans. Costs continue to go up b/c someone else paying for it (insurance, scholarships) or a loan is provided. Get rid of gov backed student loans and health insurance and you'll truly have a free market. Hospitals won't be charging 200k for a surgery, b/c no one can pay that. Same with colleges. Sure, we'd go through a very painful period and improvements in healthcare and drugs would come to a halt, but it'd be worth it in the long run.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Associate Mayor Baboon, I OBJECT!!

nyt clips, today

For 9/11 Museum, Dispute Over Victims’ Remains

Some of the victims’ families are appalled by a plan to place the remains in the new museum behind a wall with a quotation from Virgil about never forgetting.

Afghans Angry Over Florida Koran Burning Kill U.N. Staff


Stirred up by a trio of angry mullahs, thousands of protesters overran the compound of the United Nations in Mazar-i-Sharif, killing at least 12 people, Afghan and United Nations officials said.

Calorie-Counting Rule to Leave Out Movie Theaters

After opposition, theaters were exempted from a proposed rule that would require them to post calorie counts.

April 1, 2011 4:15 PM ET
'Idol' Attracts 22 Million Viewers

Two finalists were eliminated from "American Idol" on Thursday, Naima Adedapo and Thia Megia, as a results episode of the Fox reality show attracted an impressive 22 million viewers.

Video Game Review
Defending America, the Underdog

It is 2027, and Korea is a superpower that invades the United States. You play as an American resistance fighter.

Video Game Review
Space Zombies, Prepare to Meet Your Mower

Dismemberment, dementia, wails of anguish, pustulant aliens: if that’s your sort of thing, Dead Space 2 is fabulous.

March 31, 2011 6:31 PM ET
GoDaddy Chief Draws Criticism for Elephant Hunting Video

Bob Parsons, founder and chief executive of, kicked off a wave of online criticism with a video in which he shoots and kills an elephant in Zimbabwe.

makes you proud to be human...wanna be another species?