Friday, December 3, 2010


The podcasts aren't quite ready yet. Soon, soon...

Here is a collection of electronic compositions absolutely free, as in free beer. You'll need WinRAR to open the archive, and open ears connected to an open John Cage told me, "There is only music...and silence."

A subwoofer or good headphones would be useful.

Electronica - 2010

Here are the program notes:

I played music most of my life. I can no longer play. I compose. Electronic music is one of the areas I am exploring.

Electronica is a collection of compositions I selected from the past five years of work. I am influenced by the ambient, drone, minimalist, and late 20th century neoclassic schools, but conform to none.

Neurological Disorder
White Ocarina
Enter a Cloverish Silence
Quaker Loops
Howl I
Walk Evening
Kaddish for Liviu Librescu, Virginia Tech 2007
Distant Loss
Walk Morning
Elegy for Norma Lane - 2010
I Am the Edison Phongraph

I am making this work freely available, but I am retaining copyright.
Copyright 2010 by SG Senderoff

Image from the Hubble Telescope, NASA


Anonymous said...

Was that hubble shot photo-shopped?

Anonymous said...

and why is it dark on the outside?