Monday, October 25, 2010

Separation of church and state

News Journal (Wilmington DE) today:

When asked at an event earlier this month, Christine O’Donnell told a group of Republicans that her faith plays no role in her political views (video below.)

But in an interview last week with the Christian Broadcast Network, the group behind Pat Robertson’s 700 Club, O’Donnell strayed from her usual refusal to talk faith and told David Brody, “God is the reason that I’m running.”

O’Donnell said God called her to run again this year and that prayer plays a large role in her campaign. She said in 2006 that she heard the “audible voice of God” during the primary and felt called by God to run then.

“The day that we saw a spike in the polls was a day that some people had a prayer meeting for me that morning for this campaign so I believe that prayer plays a direct role in this campaign and I always ask please pray for the campaign; please pray for our staff; please pray specifically that the eyes of the voters be opened,” she told Brody.

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