Saturday, November 20, 2010

Television and the Internet Save Democracy and Stuff

actual exchange on a Washington Post blog comment board concerning DWTS:

I can't understand how Bristol is an example of any child that parents want their teens to listen to. She got knocked up out of wedlock (great parenting Sarah and Todd) and got caught attacking teens on Facebook using vile profanity and homophobic slurs.

Yes, great example you are Bristol. NOT!!!!

I wouldn't put anything past the teabaggers in getting what they want, including voter fraud and using guns to intimidate. This is what our country has come to with the teabaggers and the spineless, greedy, unAmerican Republicans.

Posted by: denise4925 | November 19, 2010 3:33 PM |

I literally hate Sarah Palin.

Posted by: denise4925 | November 19, 2010 3:27 PM |

Denise, you are one retarded c*nt. Too bad your loser party can't win anything unless the conservative base decides it's time ti hit the 'reset' button.

You should be subjected to only the most sever Shariah punishments for taking time out of your day to publicly spew your hatred for someone that you're clearly jealous of.

You too can suck my balls biotch.

Posted by: Personal_Fowl | November 19, 2010 3:41 PM | Report abuse

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