Saturday, January 8, 2011

America, this quite this correct?

This was the voter turnout of our most recent presidential election. It was a critical time; two wars, economic collapse, and socioeconomic polarization similar to that of the time of the Civil War.

Year Voting-age
Voter turnout Turnout of voting-age
population (percent)
2008 231,229,580 NA 132,618,580* 56.8%

As you can see, 43.2% of "We, the People" didn't give a shit.

The illustration below passed for political dialogue last midterm election; if you click on it, you will see gunsight images.

This behavior passed for freedom of expression at "Town Hall" meetings during which health care reform was discussed. Click on the image, and note the handgun carried on the man's right thigh. "Water the tree of liberty" refers to a quote from Thomas Jefferson. The complete quote is "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure." (ed. note: water=bloodshed; get it?)

This is what happened to a member of Congress, a Federal judge, a child, and more than a dozen other folks in Pima County, AZ today.

You think this is an aberration? You want to blame someone? Anyone?  It's sarahpalinrushlimbaughglenbeckfoxnewsNRAteabagger's fault? America was founded by two groups of people..Plymouth Pilgrims who sought religious freedom and didn't give a shit about other peoples' freedom, and Jamestown Jerkoffs who wanted to make a quick buck.


oh yeah....guns

click here

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