Thursday, January 13, 2011

Jared Lee Loughner


I've read reactions that range from inhuman to depraved to evil, and not much in between. The kid has a neurological disease, LIKE ME.

My neurological disease has damaged my motor and autonomic nerves. I can't walk without two people holding me up. My hands and arms are paralyzed. People can't understand me when I talk. My wife feeds me. If you stick me with a pin by surprise, I have a vaso-vagal reaction that terrifies my doctors. It's called Lou Gehrig's disease. No known cause. No cure. Fatal, 100%.

We don't know what nerves are damaged in Jared's neurological disease. We do know the damage makes it impossible to think straight about anything, or act like you're part of this world. It's called schizophrenia. No known cause. No cure. Fatal, 100%.

When Jared and I were 15, we were both healthy. We both played the clarinet. Our girlfriends also played clarinet. Jared's girlfriend was named Kelsey. My girlfriend was named Glenda. All four of us played in our high schools' bands.


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