Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Them damn entitlements...get the governmint out of our lives AND deaths

Social Security?

Interesting concept in present day amerika. The best way to be socially secure is to have a shitload of money and unlimited power. That way, you don't have to care about anything or anyone. -well, I do volunteer work at my church!...I gave at the office! children are everything in the world to me!...I voted for Obama you have no idea the problems that caused!...if all the taxes I paid into socialsecurity I could've invested myself, anyway I'll never get my money back and why should I pay for someone else's problems you think everything came easy I worked like a dog and now they tax me to death because some nigger crack whore shits out babies...I WANNA PLAY GOLF I EARNED IT!!!

- OK, don't read this blog entry.

Let's get didactic. Let's return to sophomore year highskool.

Class, how long will a typical American live? Seventy, eighty years? OK, what happens after those seventy, eighty years? Yup, the person dies. What percentage of those people die?, it's 100%! Yeah! Now, when those people get to the last ten, fifteen years of their lives, do you think a lot or few of them will be too sick to work?...I know your granddad Joe used to shovel snow when he was 107, and he used to complain that mommom wouldn't hop in the sack with him, but do you think he was typical? I don't know your family?

Hey class, cool it. OK, the fact is, that all those people are going to die, and most of them will be too sick to work. You too when you get to be that age, Missy. Everybody.

Now if you were president of an insurance company, would you want to sell insurance on a risk where everyone dies and most people can't work? That's a real interesting idea Joey, charge real high premiums and then hire lawyers and muscle to keep from paying claims, but I think in most places, that business model would be illegal. Susie? Run the company as a non-profit? That's interesting, too, but...let me explain it like sports so everyone understands. You've got this pro football league. All the teams want to win, because winners get the most money. That's right, Joey, they're rad! Now let's say you have an expansion team, called the Philadelphia Ultimate Quakers. They have a meeting, and decide that what it takes to win, violence, is against their religion, and they don't want to loose...yes Billy, that would be so they decide to tie all their games. That's right, if the yearly meeting wouldn't come up with the cash, they won't be around next year. Now, what if there was an insurance company that actually is the US Government, and everyone who was an American Citizen paid in premiums, and then everyone was insured against getting old, starving and dying? And everybody got benefits when they needed them, no questions asked?...WHAT? THAT'D BE LIKE TAXES AND YOU CAN'T DO THAT IN AMERICA...NO?...WHAT? (...shit, there's the bell...)...CLASS!!!!

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